Thinking of buying an SUV or MPV for your family? Perhaps you can include the Isuzu mu-X and Toyota Innova on your list. They are both ideal vehicles for big families, with ample space for everyone to move about. What's more, both are quite fuel-efficient. So expect to travel more miles without breaking the bank in the process.
Still, they do have a couple of strengths that might come in handy if you're a picky shopper. For instance, if you want to a vehicle that can tread well on floods, we'd recommend Isuzu mu-X than Toyota Innova. Need extra space to squeeze in all your BFFs and pets? Choose Innova, since it has an eight-seater capacity compared to mu-X's seven. Price-wise, Innova is cheaper, although the difference isn't big enough to make us jump for joy. Exterior-wise, we'd go with mu-X's more upbeat and modern design. Honestly, Innova's design is too laid-back for our taste. We think it's about time Toyota gets out of its comfort zone and add some spice in its design (for a change).
Still not satisfied with what we've given you? Here's a side-by-side comparison of both vehicles so you can make your decision:
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