LTO to conduct random drug tests on PUV drivers
The Land Transportation Office (LTO) announced that it will conduct terminal inspections and random drug tests around the country.
Why will the Land Transportation Office conduct terminal inspections and random drug tests to public utility vehicle (PUV) drivers nationwide?
The checks will be conducted to ensure safety of all road users.How many road crashes were recorded in January-August 2022?
Based on the data from the LTO Law Enforcement Service-Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Enforcement Unit (LES-ADDDEU), a total of 558 road crash incidents were recorded for the full seven months of the year.In a statement, the government agency said that the initiative will be done in relation to the Section 15 of Republic Act (RA) 10856 (also known as the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013), “which calls for a nationwide random terminal inspection and quick random drug test of PUV drivers.”
The LTO said that the terminal inspections and random drug tests are part of its objective to ensure that road users will not fall victims of road crashes. “The LTO aims to help avert these incidents by preventing drivers under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs from operating a motor vehicle by confiscating their driver’s license and requiring them to undergo drug rehabilitation,” it explained.
Based on the data from the LTO Law Enforcement Service-Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Enforcement Unit (LES-ADDDEU), a total of 558 road crash incidents were recorded from January to August 2022, with August registering the highest number of incidents (128 cases) and 476 drivers are tested positive for alcoholic intoxication. It was also during the aforementioned month that 17 deaths and 281 injuries were recorded.
Drivers involved in the said incidents who were found intoxicated had their licenses under alarm and were placed under preventive suspension for 90 days while waiting for an LTO resolution to determine the sanction and penalties.
The LTO cited Section 5 of RA 10856, stating that “it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs and other similar substances.”
Further, the agency shared Section 7 of the same law that states the mandatory conduct of alcohol and chemical testing, including drug screening tests and if necessary, a drug confirmatory test, of motor vehicle drivers involved in motor vehicular accidents, especially if the accident caused the loss of human life or physical injuries.
Relatedly, the LTO leadership reminded the public not to drink and drive.
“Time and again, we have all seen the disastrous consequences brought about by drunk or drugged driving, more importantly during the Yuletide season, where many families go out to celebrate and be merry. It is time that we change that mindset in order to avert the loss of life and property,” LTO Chief Assistant Secretary Teofilo Guadiz III was quoted as saying.
Photos from Ruben D. Manahan IV
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