Spacious and practical van

JAC Sunray

Jac Sunray is a sleek van that flaunts a spacious and stylish interior. The boot room is indeed impressive. Considering the price point, this car is completely worth what we're asking for. The tires give a strong wet grip, and they make very little noise. Talking about noise, the engine gets vocal when it's rough, but most of the time, it sounds smooth. I am very surprised by the range of safety features on sale. If you are someone looking for a spacious van that can fit your entire family without compromising on space, then consider getting this van.


"Huskar " Tuesday Dec 15, 2020 08:02:08

Rating of JAC Sunray

4.2 /5
Based on 5 Customer Reviews

Sunray Owner Reviews

Based on 5 Customer Reviews
Sunray Reviews