Smart looking bike from Benelli meant to can grab your attention effortlessly

Benelli 502c

The smart looks of this bike can easily fetch interest of potential bike buyers. I have observed the model very closely in their showroom the other weekend. Certain things intrigued me immensely. Say for instance The LED headlamp reminds me of certain anime cartoon when I saw it. Yet from functional point of view those are marvelous. The handlebars being pretty wide in shape one needs to be extra cautious while moving past any traffic zone so that you don’t end up nicking any car. The car may look smart but there is a childish essence to its designing that I could sense as well.


Thevantha Thursday Feb 8, 2024 13:47:31

Rating of Benelli 502c

4.6 /5
Based on 17 Customer Reviews

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Based on 17 Customer Reviews
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