Modern, advanced, and aggressive - Not your ordinary ride

Kawasaki Z H2

The Kawasaki Z-H2 can be called the naked version of the Kawasaki flagship Ninja H2. Just like the H2, it gets the same inline-4, 998 vc supercharged engine making the same 197 hp power figure as the Ninja H2. This supercharged naked motorcycle looks like an absolute beast and performs like one as well. With some incredible power, acceleration, and high-speed capabilities, it also stands out with some very advanced and modern features, which makes it a great motorcycle to own and ride. From its beautiful all-digital TFT instrument panel to electronic cruise control, multiple riding modes, and a lot more, it is a motorcycle that is an absolute joy to ride.


Andres Saturday Aug 3, 2024 06:14:05

Rating of Kawasaki Z H2

4.9 /5
Based on 7 Customer Reviews

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