Limited utility, reduced power .

Lambretta V-Special 50

Being a military veteran I was looking for a scooter suitable for my riding style and a 49cc model seemed impractical. Despite the attempt of the dealership to market the Lambretta V-Special 50 as an excellent bike for older riders due to its reduced power, its limited utility and price tag make it an impractical option for those who are accustomed to riding more powerful machines. The 49cc engine of this scooter has been claimed to be designed for urban commuting but after taking it for a test drive I felt that it lacked the performance and power I desired. Its engine size limits its utility


Manuela Sunday Jul 7, 2024 17:18:06

Rating of Lambretta V-Special 50

4 /5
Based on 5 Customer Reviews

V-SPECIAL 50 Owner Reviews

Based on 5 Customer Reviews
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