MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z Price, Promos, DP & Monthly Installment

MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z 2025 Price in Philippines available at . Checkout the March Promos with lowest downpayment and monthly Installments.

MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z Overview

The MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z is priced at. Escooter TDR 554Z from MotorStar Philippines comes in Electric engine with cc engine displacement that offers hp of power. The MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z is available in Variable Speed Automatic transmission that has a fuel economy of kmpl. TDR 554Z offered in 3 colors: Black, Red, White. The lowest monthly installment for MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z is for months with the downpayment of. This Scooter Motorcycles competes with MotorStar Viber, NWOW ARS, NWOW ERV, NWOW TK10, NWOW WSP. The Other MotorStar Escooter Variants are: TDR 554Z.

MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z Specifications

MotorStar Escooter TDR 554Z Features

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