A purpose-built dirt bike .

Suzuki RM-Z250

If you crave the adventure of off-road riding, the Suzuki RM-Z250 can be your go-to choice. What's unique about this two-wheeler is that, unlike modern dirt bikes, it doesn't come with electric starts. It has a mechanical right-hand side Kickstarter that gives it an old-school appeal. If you're new to dirt biking, this feature may seem a chore. This bike is not a good choice for casual riders but has been designed to offer an adrenaline-pumping experience. Heavy-duty suspension setup makes for an enjoyable ride over G-outs and big dips.


Rik Tuesday Oct 17, 2023 04:03:58

Rating of Suzuki RM-Z250

4.1 /5
Based on 11 Customer Reviews

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